aol and OS 9

If you are having troubles accessing the internet either through aol or through a browser when connected to aol with os 9 read this.

OS 9 is causing tcp/ip to retain a static ip address which is why one cannot access the internet the full solution is:

find the tcp/ip options control panel on the restore cd macintosh os 9:cd extras:network extras:ot extras:tcp/ip:tcp/ip options and put in in your system folder. Make sure all of the aol extensions are on: aol link, aollink enhanced, aol link scanner. delete the tcp/ip options, in tcp/ip set aol link enhanced, bootp server. in tcp/ip options check dont retain dhcp lease on shutdown. restart. check the system folder for garbage entry with the same icon as mactcp dnr and if you find this trash it and restart again. if this continues to come up you must reinstall the open transport part of os 9.

run aol and it should work.


By Jason

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