Sometimes in the life of a hybrid Rails-Javascript app you may want to do something unique: have a config file written in YAML available to you in your Javascript code.

A simple trick will make Sprockets, the Asset Pipeline in Rails 4+, do this automagically for you. This example comes from

I’ve created an example app that you can read the source or see live demo here.

First, we’ll need to create a special hook for Sprockets called “depend on config”. Create a file at lib/process_depend_on_config.rb

Sprockets::DirectiveProcessor.class_eval do
 def process_depend_on_config_directive(file)
  path = File.expand_path(file, “#{Rails.root}/config”)

Now, in your Sprockets-managed Javascript, use this directive before you include Ruby evaluation inside of javacript


//= depend_on_config ‘my_configs_in.yml’

ExampleApp = {};

ExampleApp.MyConfigs = {
 getConfigs: function() {
  var mySettings = <%= YAML.load_file(“config/my_configs_in.yml”).to_json %>;
  return mySettings;

Finally, for demonstration purposes, create a file at config/my_config_in.yml, you actually have the YAML configuration you want to port from Ruby to JSON, something like

 world: 12345
 country: 678
 state: 90
 city: 11

The depends on config directive tells Sprockets to invalidate the cache for the resulting JS file when the YAML file changes, hence why it is needed here.

Voila! Your Ruby-based output (here, a YAML config but theoretically could be anything) is now included in each build during the Sprockets compilation phase.

By Jason

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