Here we will do a manual setup for ImportMap-Rails starting from rails new --skip-javascript
. Please note that these are the step-by-step instructions for helping you start with a brand new Rails 7 app, but they are more steps than the standard Rails 7 install, which runs the ImportMap, Turbo, and Stimulus JS installers for you.
These quick instructions are for you to get going quickly, but they do no walk you through the step-by-step of verifying each component of the stack you are using. If you want to get a more in-depth understanding of each piece of the stack, refer to this post instead.
Remember for an ImportMap-Rails app you will continue using rails server
to start your server, as there is no auxiliary SASS watcher running in the background.
1/ New Rails 7 App
rails new MyTestApp --skip-javascript
*commit changes*
2/ add to Gemfile
gem "importmap-rails"
gem "turbo-rails"
run bundle install
*commit changes*
3/ Install ImportMap-Rails
Run rails importmap:install
*commit changes*
4/ Install Turbo
run rails turbo:install
*commit changes*
5/ Install Stimulus
run rails stimulus:install
6/ Pin Bootstrap Using Importmap-Rails
./bin/importmap pin bootstrap@5.1.3
./bin/importmap pin @popperjs/core@2.11.2