Quick demonstration of public, private, and protected methods.
public | Can be called from anywhere – inside or outside the class. |
protected | Can be called from within the class, either by the object itself or by another object that is the same class. |
private | Can only be called by other methods of the same object (not by another object even if it is the same class). |
class Earth
attr_accessor :myAttribute
def hello
def goodbye(the_other_object)
the_other_object.bananna # yes, you can call the protected method bananna on another object of the class
rescue StandardError => theError
puts “you can’t call the private method of another object even if it is the same class! #{theError}”
public # declaration not needed, just shown for clarity
def apple
puts “Someone called apple for #{@myAttribute} … anyone can call me”
attr_accessor :myAttribute
def hello
def goodbye(the_other_object)
the_other_object.bananna # yes, you can call the protected method bananna on another object of the class
rescue StandardError => theError
puts “you can’t call the private method of another object even if it is the same class! #{theError}”
public # declaration not needed, just shown for clarity
def apple
puts “Someone called apple for #{@myAttribute} … anyone can call me”
def bananna
puts “Someone called bananna for #{@myAttribute} … only this class may call me”
def cherry
puts “Someone called cherry for #{@myAttribute} … only other methods of this instance may call me”
Now, in IRB, try this:
>> a = Earth.new
=> #<Earth:0x105107650>
>> a.myAttribute = “object A”
=> “object A”
>> a.apple
Someone called apple for object A anyone can call me
=> nil
>> a.hello
Someone called bananna for object A only this class may call me
Someone called cherry for object A only other methods of this instance may call me
=> nil
>> b = Earth.new
=> #<Earth:0x1050f50e0>
>> b.myAttribute = “object B”
=> “object B”
>> b.apple
Someone called apple for object B anyone can call me
=> nil
>> b.goodbye(a)
Someone called apple for object A anyone can call me
Someone called bananna for object A only this class may call me
you can’t call the private method of another object even if it is the same class! private method `cherry’ called for #<Earth:0x105107650 @myAttribute=”object A”>
=> nil
=> #<Earth:0x105107650>
>> a.myAttribute = “object A”
=> “object A”
>> a.apple
Someone called apple for object A anyone can call me
=> nil
>> a.hello
Someone called bananna for object A only this class may call me
Someone called cherry for object A only other methods of this instance may call me
=> nil
>> b = Earth.new
=> #<Earth:0x1050f50e0>
>> b.myAttribute = “object B”
=> “object B”
>> b.apple
Someone called apple for object B anyone can call me
=> nil
>> b.goodbye(a)
Someone called apple for object A anyone can call me
Someone called bananna for object A only this class may call me
you can’t call the private method of another object even if it is the same class! private method `cherry’ called for #<Earth:0x105107650 @myAttribute=”object A”>
=> nil
I know this is a little bit of a brain-bender but if you grok this then you grok public, private, protected.