Which RAID levels are supported by XServe RAID ? (and briefly describe them)
XServer RAID supports these RAID configurations as hardware RAID solutions: RAID 0: Striping. Lays down data in stripes across an…
Achieving Developer Excellence with Automated Testing
XServer RAID supports these RAID configurations as hardware RAID solutions: RAID 0: Striping. Lays down data in stripes across an…
Hold down system right system identifier button (rightmost button on front panel) while machine is off as you push the…
Use the first 8 digits of the servers serial number. For an old computer, use 12345678 (this is ONLY in…
this is called CIDR — classless internet domain routing /8 — means just the first octet must match, in our…
A package is a bundled file used by the Installer to install a specific piece of software. First step: Create…
AFP – authentication is normally encrypted; data is not encrypted; browsable via Bonjour & SLP SMB – authentication is normally…
Note that AFP keeps an Access Log and an Error log. You can enable/disable the Access Log entirely (Server Admin->AFP->…
This is for user accounts which are being managed such that when the user logs in they see a custom…