What is the difference between a group and a workgroup? (in Mac OS X Server 10.4)
A workgroup is a group that has managed preferences.
Achieving Developer Excellence with Automated Testing
A workgroup is a group that has managed preferences.
Only the Home folder hierarchy Under 10.3, no synchronization was possible even though 10.3 server supported mobile users (synchronization only…
Can a user be a member of more than one group? YES Can a computer be a member of more…
Server Admin -> AFP -> Settings -> Idle Users Allow clients to sleep X hours – will not show as…
No, Kerberos is however based on properly domain name resolution.
the keytab file on the server may contain a duplicate set of keys
Kerberos is based on encrypted timestamps. If theres more than a 5-minute difference between the KDC, client, and service computers,…