With Passenger where does the console log (output from puts) go?
When running Passenger (module for running Rails on Apache), the console log (output from puts) goes into the apache error…
Cucumber – Behavior-Driven Development
<h1>CUCUMBER FIRST STEPS</h1> Much of the online documentation for Cucumber dives right in. Here are some pointers for those very…
Rails error: undefined method `use_transactional_fixtures=`
when running tests, I’m getting an error: undefined method `use_transactional_fixtures=` for Test::Unit::testCase:Class (NoMethodError) This happens if you generated your tests…
How can I get my Mac OS X version from the command line?
Under almost all circumstances, you can just go to “About this Mac” or use the system profiler. However, very rarely…
Installing Rails & MySQL On Mac OS X
First, isntall MySQL package installer from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.1.html#downloads DON’T DOWNLOAD THE 64-BIT VERSION!!! You must download the 32-bit version even if…
Emulated ruby tags (ERB) tags
Some handy information about working with those less-than-percent sign things that appear in Emulated Ruby, or .rhtml files. example what…
Rails Script shortcuts
Some great shortcuts for script generation. I always try to start by building scaffold for any new entity, then remove…
Passenger with Rails
Passenger is a great thing because it makes Rails apps able to be deployed on Apache. The installation is pretty…
Show all hidden files in the Finder windows
Type this in terminal: defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE KillAll Finder To hide the hidden files again: defaults write com.apple.Finder…
SVN cheat sheet
Setup the working copy of the repository svn checkout First navigate to the root of your working copy. svn status…