Prettify your ‘Alert’ box in Javascript
Really nice replacement for Javascript’s ‘alert’ dialog box. Check out the website:
Capycoder: Chrome Extension to Record Interactions as Capybara
Seriously why hasn’t anyone ever told me about this awesome tool? With CapyCoder (below) you can literally record you interactions… Resource for Cutting Edge CSS/JavaScript Developers
Here’s a great resources for CSS & JavaScript developers who want to be on the bleeding edge of CSS3 and…
Goldiloader: “Just In Time” Eager Loading Gem for ActiveRecord
Typically to eager load in Rails you use the .includes(:xyz) method in the controller code (or wherever you are making…
CanCan evolved to CanCanCan
So apparently
How do I name my Rails associations if there are multiple relationships to the same class object?
Here’s some advice I gave on the Rails-talk list this morning. (Information specific to the question I was answering has…
Learning Git
Here’s a good online tutorial for learning GIT
Online tool to publish Word Documents to HTML
Although Word has a built-in “Export to HTML” feature, it has a host of problems that produce less than ideal…
Announcing jasonfb/nondestructive_migrations !
Dear Rails world: Announcing jasonfb/nondestructive_migrations Rails gem: separate schema-only migrations from nondestrucitve (data) migrations in your Rails app. You can…
dyld: Library not loaded
This dredded error message happens very rarely when using rvm. Sometimes a command provided by a gem or any execution…