3 Videos about Agile and Beyond
Kevlin Henney, Seven Ineffective Coding Habits of Many Programmers (ITT 2016) James Coplien, The Dehumanisation of Agile and Objects (GPTP…
Why You Need a Special DNS Provider on Heroku
Heroku is a robust leader in 12-factor deployment strategies. It is a large and feature-rich platform. You can deploy your…
Fix for RVM (Ruby Version Manager ) running on macOS Big Sur
What is RVM Big Sur? RVM stands for Ruby Version Manager and is a tool used by Ruby developers to…
Same Time, Same Desk: Rails Conference and React Summit
Last week in a virtual chat room at the React Summit Kent C. Dodds was asked an interesting question: What…
The WFHpocalpyse Part 3: Remote Work One Year Later
Remote work was here to stay, or was it? In 2020 we explored how it was work remotely, but the…
A “Free Hand” At the Bagel Shop (and, On Software Project Estimation)
Software development, like a bagel shop, has several queues encountering different wait states. Ideally, an efficient scrum reduces muda and…
The One About the Chickens and The Pigs (aka What Stand-up Is and What Stand-up Isn’t)
The one about the chickens and the pigs is an old part of scrum folklore. It is outdated and sexist.…
Getting Stuck on the Version of Rails In Your Bundler
Confusingly, bundler can have more than one version of Rails installed at once. In this short post, I will review…
Remember how strftime works in Ruby? Neither do I.
For a Good Strftime lets you easily create the Ruby syntax for strftime. Just select how you want your dates:…