If you have a Facebook Page, did you know that Facebook offers you a sophisticated set of tools to gain insights into your page?
Here’s a quick summary of the Facebook page associated with this blog, which you can find at https://www.facebook.com/jfbblog (Incidentally, if you could head over there and give the page a ‘Like’ I would be most grateful.)
Some vocabulary:
Actions – are when someone interacts with the post, either by liking, commenting or sharing
Pageviews refers to how many times people saw the page.
Page previews refer to how many times someone saw a preview of the page (like in the newsfeed).
Likes refers to how many times people it the “like” (or another of the reaction options on Facebook) button.
Reach refers to how many people saw this at least momentarily, in passing, or at all. (that is, the “total reach” of your post or story.)

Recommendations refers to someone recommending your page when a 3rd party asks for recommendations in a post.
Engagements refer to any kind of interaction with your post. Videos show you how many people watched at least 3 seconds of your videos. Followers show a chart of how many new followers you accrue over time. And finally, Orders shows you how many orders were placed through this page (for example, for a Facebook-supported service.) Note that if you are advertising an external website, you’ll want to use the Facebook Pixel to correctly configure the tracking to capture the order and associate it back to the ad that Facebook shows to your customer.
Installing the Facebook Pixel on your website requires a developer, so it is beyond the scope of this introduction.