Today we switch gears into a segment covering trend analysis in the context of social media.

Today’s tool is called

Social Blade is used to analyze specific social media accounts, their followers, and see how people gaining and lose followers.

Let’s take a look at TikTok sensation Charlie D’Emelio, who has danced her way all the way to 73 MILLION followers on TikTok.

We can see that her TikTok rating A++ (she is the most famous TikToker of all time), with a whopping 8.1 million followers in the last 30 days (up 13%).

We see a chart of her weekly gain & loss of followers. We see also here how many likes her videos garner and how many videos she posts.

During this period in July, we can see that Charlie D’Emelio posts videos to TikTok approximately 1-4/times per day, taking a day off here or there.

Social Blade can be a very powerful tool to analyze not only other people’s social media but also your own brand’s: See how you’re doing across social media channels, where you are rising and falling.

Social Blade is a free tool that comes with advertising. You can get a basic premium membership for just $3.99/month to eliminate the ads. Even higher premium membership gives you access to more data, like being able to look back 365 days when doing social media analysis.

Social Blade is absolutely indispensable when doing social media analysis and market research.

By Jason

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